“Forever Green” campaign plants 1,355 seedlings

The National Initiative for Agricultural Development (NIAD), in partnership with the Ministry of Municipalities Affairs and Agriculture and the Supreme Council for the Environment (SCE), announced that Zain Bahrain has supported planting 1355 trees in block 934 and the parking area of the National Stadium.


The contribution of Zain Bahrain is part of the third phase of the national afforestation campaign (Forever Green), aimed at increasing green spaces and maintaining ecological balance; as well as creating shaded spaces and reducing the environmental impact caused by asphalt and pavements.


The trees planted include hibiscus, Cassia glauca and canar (jujube), which are known for shade, minimal consumption of water and suitability for the weather in Bahrain. The trees have an aesthetic appeal and contribute to improving oxygen levels and calming the summer heat.


An event to plant the trees was attended by Shaikha Maram bint Isa Al Khalifa, Secretary General of NIAD; Shaikh Abdulla bin Khalifa Al Khalifa, Chief Executive Officer for Communication and Investor Relations at Zain Bahrain; Rana Al Majid, Chief Human Resources Officer at Zain Bahrain; Fatima Haidar, Manager of the Sustainability and Inclusivity at Zain Bahrain; and other officials.


Mohammed Zainalabedin, Managing Director at Zain Bahrain, said the company was pleased to continue its partnership with NIAD, which embodies Zain’s sustainability strategy and commitment to community participation and environmental sustainability.

He said that Zain customers can contribute to planting a tree by simply activating an electronic SIM (eSIM), explaining that this also aims at reducing plastic consumption.
